CCilot XA and CCpilot XS
Product revision: 0.12
Software guide
Media files playback
Video and audio playback is supported by gstreamer multimedia framework, which supports
multiple video (MPEG2, H.264/AVC, DivX, Xvid) and audio codecs (wav, MP3, AAC) and container
formats (MPEG, AVI, mkv). Note that the CCpilot XA currently supports only codecs for WAW
audio playback. Each supported kind of video can be played with the command:
# gplay <videofile> or
# aplay <audiofile>
This command launches a player with interactive ASCII interface, but plays the file automatically so
it can also be launched from a script. For custom applications, gstreamer-0.10 C API can be used
(see documentation at
There is also a Qt frontend system available for gstreamer as well, which is called Phonon.
The XA device also has support for a partial VNC server solution so that a GUI application can be
accessed remotely, for instance when using CrossCore XS headless devices, or when a graphical
remote environment is desired. The basics for the VNC functionality comes from support in the Qt
libraries, and thus it is required that the VNC Server is actually a Qt application designed for that
use case.
To access the device via VNC, you will need to use a VNC viewer application and enter the IP
address of the XA device. By default, there is no application made available for access through VNC,
but it can be enabled to use a default one, or custom made by the end customer.
On the device, the Qt VNC application requires the QWS flag as well as the VNC flag to operate
properly as a VNC server. In the default version of the StartupGui startup script (below), a separate
Qt VNC session can be started by setting a specific USE_VNC flag, see the script for details.
Specifically starting a Qt VNC application is done as follows:
$/path/to/myapp -qws –display VNC::size=800x480:depth=32:0" &
Any application that should be run as the VNC server can be started in the same way in a startup
script, but pay attention to the design guides for scripting, not locking the startup sequence.
Removal of user data and files, i.e. factory reset
The XA device normally stores all user data, applications and settings under /usr/local, or /opt
which points to the same storage place. It is possible to remove all of the settings and files under
that location, and have the XA device generate the default contents back upon a restart of the
Note: This can potentially also remove some applications and files that are part of the factory
installation by CrossControl and delivered to you as such. If that is the case, please avoid this
method of user data and file removal unless specific knowledge about this has been gathered.
The restoration is done via the command