4X4 QuickMedia™ Matrix Switcher
Network Wiring
When wiring the network, consider the following:
Use Crestron Certified Wire.
Use Crestron power supplies for Crestron equipment.
Provide sufficient power to the system.
Insufficient power can lead to unpredictable results or damage
to the equipment. Please use the Crestron Power Calculator to help calculate
how much power is needed for the system (
For larger networks, use a Cresnet Hub/Repeater (CNXHUB) to maintain
signal quality.
For more details, refer to “Check Network Wiring” on page 25.
QuickMedia Wiring
The Crestron QuickMedia cable (sold under the name “CresCAT-QM”) contains one
CAT5E cable and one Cresnet cable in Siamese jackets. Installation of any QM
device is as simple as installing CresCAT-QM wires from the output of one device to
the input of another. Installations are flexible, affordable and fast. For more
information, refer to the latest revision of the Crestron MediaManager Applications
Guide (Doc. 6244), which is available for download from the Crestron website.
CresCAT-QM Cable
Do not untwist the two wires in a single pair for more than 1/3-1/2”
(0.84-1.27 cm) when making a connection. The twists are critical to canceling out
interference between the wires.
The aggregate cable length of a signal path originating at a QM transmitter and
terminating at a QM receiver must not exceed 450 feet (137 meters). Video signals
may experience a loss of quality over very long lengths of cable. This phenomenon is
4X4 QuickMedia™ Matrix Switcher: QM-MD4X4
Operations Guide – DOC. 6546A