Operating Button and Switch
The -DIM1RF, -DIMS1RF, and -SLVD1RF have one
large pushbutton. The single button may be pushed at the
top or bottom to perform certain functions. The -DIM1RF
and -DIMS1RF also have a three-position mode selection
switch. The function of the pushbutton is determined by
the position of the mode selection switch. Refer to the
following diagram.
The -SLVD1RF does not have a mode selection
switch. It will act in the same mode as the -DIMS1RF.
Buttons of CLW-DIM1RF, -DIMS1RF, and -SLVD1RF
Mode Selection Switch
(-DIM1RF & -DIMS1RF Only)
When the mode selection switch is in the “OFF” position,
the pushbutton will not have any function and the load is
disconnected from the power source. This
be used
when changing light bulbs to ensure that the load is fully
disconnected from power.
When the mode selection switch is in the “ADJ” position,
tapping the top of the button set the light to the Preset
1-Hi level. Tapping the bottom of the button will set the
light to the Preset 1-Lo level.
Pressing the button on the bottom will ramp the light level
down until it reaches 0%, or until the button is released.
Pressing the button on the top will ramp the light level up
until it reaches 100%, or until the button is released.
Before storing a preset, the lighting must be
adjusted to the desired level while in the ADJ mode.
When the switch is in the PRE position, it is in the preset
mode and can be used to recall and/or store preset lighting
levels. The pushbutton is used to recall and/or store the
“Preset 1-High” and “Preset 1-Low” presets. Pressing and
releasing the pushbutton will fade to the preset lighting
level over a preset amount of time*. Tapping the
pushbutton while the light is fading will cause the light
level to “jump” directly to the preset without fading.
Pressing and holding the a button until the LED flashes
will store the current lighting level.
* The preset fade time can only be adjusted through Crestron
programming software.
To store preset values for “Preset 1-High” and “Preset 1-
Low”; while in the PRE mode, recall the lighting level to
be changed. Switch to the ADJ mode and adjust the
lighting to the desired level. Move the mode selection
switch to PRE. Press and hold the pushbutton until the
LED flashes to store the new preset value.
If a new preset value for “Preset 1-High” is
lower than the stored value for “Preset 1-Low”, the
previously stored value for “Preset 1-Low” becomes
“Preset 1-High”. Similarly, if a new preset value for
“Preset 1-low” is higher than the value stored for “Preset
1-High”, the previously stored value for “Preset 1-High”
becomes “Preset 1-Low”.
The default preset light values for each preset
Preset 1-High: 100%
Preset 1-Low: 0%
The device may be warm to the touch during
operation. This is normal.
Restoring Default Settings
To restore the dimmer’s default settings for lighting
levels, preset fade time (two seconds), and ramp time
(five seconds), move the mode selection switch to the
PRE position. While holding the pushbutton, move the
mode selection switch to the ADJ position and back to the
PRE position. Release the pushbutton. The LED will flash
to confirm that the default values have been restored.
Installation Guide – DOC. 6292
Stand Alone Wall Box Dimmer: CLW-DIM1RF, DIMS1RF, & SLVD1RF