4 • HD-RX-4K-x10-C-E(-SW4)
Web Interface Configuration Guide — Doc. 9211A
Actions Menu
The Actions drop-down menu is displayed at the top right of each page and provides quick
access to common device functionality of the HD-RX-4K-x10-C-E(-SW4), such as:
Rebooting the device
Restoring factory default settings
EDID management
Performing firmware upgrades
Downloading logs
The Actions drop-down menu can be accessed at any time by clicking the drop-down arrow of
the Actions drop-down menu.
Rebooting the Device
Certain changes to the settings may require that the HD-RX-4K-x10-C-E(-SW4) be rebooted to
take effect. To reboot the device, do the following:
1. Click Reboot in the Actions drop-down menu. The Confirmation message box appears.
2. Click Yes to reboot the device. The Reboot message box appears.
Wait for the device reboot to complete before attempting to reconnect to the device.