16 • Crestron Flex Phones
Security Reference Guide — Doc. 9313A
4. Enter the following information for the remote Syslog configuration:
Remote Server Address: Enter the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN) of the remote Syslog server.
Remote Server Port: Enter the web port of the remote Syslog server.
Log Level: Select one of the following log levels to determine which messages are
logged to the remote Syslog. All messages of that log level or above will be logged.
NOTE: For examples of common events that can trigger messages for specific
logging levels, refer to the
UC-P8 and UC-P10 Series Desk Phones Product
DEBUG: Logs all "debug" messages and above to the Syslog.
INFO: Logs all "info" messages and above to the Syslog.
WARNING: Logs all "warning" messages and above to the Syslog.
ERROR: Logs all "error" messages and above to the Syslog.
Syslog Keyword Filter: (Optional) Enter keywords to filter the Syslog entries by
those keywords. Multiple keywords should be entered as a comma-delimited list
without any spaces (for example, "SIP,registration,codec").
Trusted Certificate Authorities: If TLS is turned on, select trusted CAs (Certificate
Authorities) from the provided CAs to be used for server validation.
NOTE: For more information on configuring trusted certificate authorities, refer
Configure Trusted Certificate Authorities on page 13
Select the check box to the left of a CA to select it as a trusted CA.
Enter a search term into the text field at the top of the CA menu to search for
and display CAs that match the search term.
5. Select Save Changes from the Action menu.