Single Gang Temperature Sensor
graphic. The PRO2 system tree as shown on the next page, displays the
sensor in Slot 9, with a default NET ID of 53.
C2Net Device, Slot 9
Double-click the CNX-TS icon in the upper pane to open the “Device
Settings” window. This window displays CNX-TS device information.
The NET ID can be changed in this window using the NET ID tab.
Device Settings Window
: SIMPL Windows automatically resets the default NET ID
values of a device added to a program if a duplicate device or a device
with the same default NET ID already exists in the program. Always
ensure that the network device NET IDs set via Viewport match the ones
in your SIMPL Windows program.
Single Gang Temperature Sensor: CNX-TS
Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 8191