Source and Numeric Keypads Crestron
CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N
Source and Numeric Keypads: CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N
Operations Guide - DOC. 5788A
System View of the CN-WP12F in SIMPL Windows’ Configuration Manager
System View of the CN-WP12N in SIMPL Windows’ Configuration Manager
Programming Manager
Use the Programming Manager workspace (
Project | Program System
) in SIMPL
Windows to select symbols and assign their respective signals. For this example,
CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N symbols were added automatically when the devices
were added to the system in the Configuration Manager workspace. Expand the
Network Modules folder and double-click on the CN-WP12F and CN-WP12N for
detail views (alternatively CTRL+D or drag and drop into
Detail View
The signals shown after this paragraph control the CNX-PAD8 from one room using
a single set of keypads. The signals are in reference to Room 1. The CNX-PAD8
may contain up to eight rooms and the assigned signal names should reflect the
appropriate room, room_1_source_1, room_2_source_1, etc. Daisy-chained
CNX-PAD8s may contain up to 32 rooms and all signal names must reflect the
appropriate room.