Installation & Programming Guide
The WSSKP-1 keypad provides an alternative to card readers and may be connected to any
Keyscan control unit or other manufacturer’s control unit that supports a Wiegand standard
26-bit format as an input signal. The WSSKP-1 can also be used conjointly with a proximity
reader. Generally, this applies to a retro-fit where a keypad or reader already exists. The
WSSKP-1 has standalone capabilities storing up to 28 PIN codes, which can be used to
activate an alarm panel for arming and disarming, locking and unlocking a door, or
triggering a video surveillance system. You may use the keypad for both a Wiegand signal
and a digital output. The WSSKP-1 is a rugged, water-resistant, stainless steel unit and
may be installed indoors or outdoors.
Keyscan Operation
The WSSKP-1 out of the box is configured for operation with a Keyscan system and does
not require changing the factory defaults. If using the WSSKP-1 for a standalone
application, refer to Operational Modes and Program Codes.
Parts List
Installation & Connections
Operation Modes & Codes
Enter/Exit Program Mode
Setting Keypad Modes
User PIN Codes Table
Keypad Operation