WSSKP-1 Installation & Programming Guide
Keypad Operation
The following sub-sections review basic WSSKP-1 keypad operation.
How the Keypad Works
Entering a valid PIN code generates a keypad output such as unlocking a door.
The LED on the front plate indicates the output status, most often this is for a door.
When the red LED is on, the keypad indicates the door’s status is locked or the digital
output status is normal. When the LED is off, the keypad indicates the door’s status as
unlocked or the digital output status as activated. When a valid PIN is entered, the LED
changes from on to off. The door will automatically relock in approximately 5 seconds or
the programmed time. If an invalid PIN is entered, there is no change in the LED state,
thus no output.
Basic Usage
To use the WSSKP-1, a person with a valid PIN code presses the * key to clear/initialize
the keypad and then enters his or her PIN code which transmits the Wiegand signal to the
access control unit or to activate a digital output. If specified, see Code 0 - Output
Combinations, the person would press the # key.
Press the * key, the 9 key, the PIN number, and the # key. This feature is only used for a
Wiegand output.