Front panel features
Line Input (Mic Pad)
With this switch in the UP position, the input preamp circuit is set up to accept a mic-level
signal. This signal is brought in via the XLR mic-input connector located on the rear panel.The
1/4" TRS input jack is ignored.
When the switch is depressed, a Pad is inserted into the signal path and the input preamp
circuit is set up to accept a line-level signal from either the XLR mic-input connector or the 1/4"
TRS input jack, both located on the rear panel.The XLR signal is normal'd to the 1/4” TRS jack. If
nothing is plugged into the TRS jack, the XLR signal is fed to the preamp when the LINE switch is
pressed. Since the TRS signal is always padded down by 26dB, this feature allows the LINE switch
to act as a PAD switch for bringing a very hot microphone signals down to a controllable level,
avoiding overload.When a plug is inserted into the 1/4" TRS input jack, the XLR mic-input signal is
disconnected and the signal present on the 1/4” plug is fed to the preamp. If plugs are inserted
into both the XLR and TRS jacks, this switch acts as an input selector switch between the two
The Input gain control is used to establish proper gain structure in the channel. For best
results, use the Solo system to monitor the channel while you set the gain.The goal is maximum
gain without distortion. Both the main LED meters (during Solo) and the channel’s Level/Peak
indicator can be used for adjusting gain.
70 Hz Lo-Cut filter
This filter reduces or eliminates unwanted low frequencies without substantially affecting the pro-
gram material. Quite often, such unwanted low frequencies are included with mic- or line-input
signals. For example, stage rumble or wind can be picked up through vocal mics.The cut-off fre-
quency of the filter is 70 Hz and the slope is -18dB per octave.This type of filter is also referred
to as a Hi-pass filter (HPF). It allows the hi-frequencies to pass, but stops the lo-frequencies.
Lo Cut Switch
Lo-Cut filter is bypassed.
Lo-Cut filter is on.
Mono Input channel
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