Front panel features (continued)
Common Input
Often, a click track, tape playback or ref track, needs to be heard by all the performers.An input chan-
nel can be used for this, with all mix sends turned up to the same level. If an input channel is not avail-
able, the Common Input section can be used for that purpose. Input jacks, both TRS and XLR, are pro-
vided on the rear panel for bringing a line-level, stereo feed into the mixer.This signal is fed to the level
pot and then to the Mix buses, left-side signal to odd buses, right-side signal to even buses.
Common Input Level
This pot controls the amount of Common Input signal fed to the Mix buses. Left input feeds the
odd buses, right input feeds the even buses.
12 V Lamp jack
A BNC jack is available for attaching a goose-neck lamp.The center connection is 12 Volts DC and the
outer connection is ground. A medium or high-intensity 12V DC Littlite can be used.The output volt-
age is current limited to prevent faulty bulbs or mis-connection from harming the internal workings of
the mixer.
Mix Master Outputs
Each of the 12 Mix Outputs has its own 60mm master fader, AFL switch, and Peak/Sig LED.
Additionally, each odd-even pair of outputs has an associated STR PAIR switch and LO CUT
switch. Both of these switches affect both of the outputs of the pair:The STR PAIR switch
changes the pair of outputs from independent mono to linked-stereo.The LO CUT switch
activates the hi-pass filters on both outputs (40Hz, -18dB/Oct)
When operating the mixes as separate Mono outputs, each fader sets the overall output level
and the associated AFL switch below the fader allows the operator to monitor the output
level of the mix.
When it is desired to operate in Stereo-Pair Mode, the STR PAIR switch located above the
odd-numbered fader is pressed.This sends a control signal to the input channels which recon-
figures the associated pair of send pots from Level/Level operation to Level/Pan operation.
Additionally, the AFL switches for the pair of outputs are linked and the Solo feed is changed
from mono to stereo. Now, if either AFL switch of the pair is pressed, both AFL indicators will
illuminate Red and both outputs will appear in the Solo system, odd to left, even to right.
STR PAIR switch
The pair of outputs associated with this switch are un-linked and operate as independent mono
mixes.The AFL switch for the fader will produce a mono feed to the Solo system.
The pair of outputs are linked:The associated mix sends on the input channels are changed to
Lev/Pan operation, and the AFL switches for the two outputs are linked, producing a stereo Solo feed
of the outputs if either AFL is pressed.
LO CUT switch
Both outputs operate at full bandwidth, low frequencies are not attenuated.
Hi-pass filters are inserted into the signal paths of both outputs, reducing low frequency rumble.
Master section
p. 31