Search (Event Search)
The event search screen allows the user to search video only recorded in sensor mode. This is useful when the
system has been set up to record in both motion mode. The Event search window allows the user to
search for video recorded in sensor mode by date and time. The search screen consist of the selected date and
time display, a calendar showing the days that have video recorded in sensor mode and an hour and minute
bar. The selected date and time display, reflects the currently selected date and time. As the user changes the
selected day or hour and minute, this display will update to reflect the changes.
• Calendar - Use the left and right arrows to change the month to search for recorded video. The days
highlighted in blue indicate that they contain recorded video. The day highlighted in red is the
currently selected day.
• The hour and minute bar is used to select the hour and minute for playback. The hour highlighted
in red indicates that there is video recorded in sensor mode for that hour. The minute bar will
display red when there is video recorded in sensor mode. The white rectangle indicates the
currently selected hour and minute.
• Selected Date and Time Display - This gives the user an easy display of the currently selected date
and time to begin playback of recorded video.
• Event Statistics is a bar graph by channel showing the percentage of sensor recording.
Event search screen
Selected date
and time display
Recorded video
Hour and
minute bar
Event Statistics
After selecting the date and time to begin playback of recorded video, click the OK button. The system will
change to the playback screen and begin playing recorded video. Click cancel to stop the search and go back
to main (live) screen, click return to go back to the main search screen.