Storing, deletion and changing of Presets
To store a single preset in a bank, please create a new entry by
selecting 'create preset' from the dropdown menu. The preset will
be added to the bottom of the preset list with the name 'New Preset'
- right click on the name to rename it. (You can also give it
a number and rating, define its category and add a com-
ment.) After creating a new entry, store the edited preset
bank by clicking on 'save' or 'save as'. Right click on a
preset name to select further options, 'restore', 'overwrite'
and 'delete' (use 'restore' to load an existing preset).
Upload of Preset files
To transfer presets between the PRODYSSEY ASB hardware and
the Remote Software, click on the 'Box' button. You will see four
options in a drop-down menu:
1. Upload user bank to box
Ports user bank data from the Remote Software to the PRODYS-
SEY ASB unit.
2. Upload factory bank to box
Ports factory bank data from the Remote Software to the PRODYS-
SEY ASB unit.
3. Download user bank from box
Ports PRODYSSEY ASB user bank data to the Remote Software.
4. Download factory bank from box
Ports PRODYSSEY ASB factory bank data to the Remote Soft-