2. The Print Menu
This menu displays a list of printable files in the root directory of the SD card, if the filename is too long only
the first characters will be displayed. If there is no SD card inserted or no files are found the list will be empty.
Once a file is selected, a print is started and the print details are shown.
There are 3 options selectable from the printing display Tune, Pause and Stop
Set nozzle temperature
Current nozzle temperature
Set hot bed temperature
Current hot bed temperature
Tuning override
Print progress
Z-axis height
Tune allows you to manually modify
the current print speed, nozzle and
bed temperature and the fan speed.
There is also a Z offset control
allowing the position of the Z axis to
be modified.
Pauses the print allowing it to be
After confirmation the print is stopped
and cannot be resumed.