EnderExtender.com – Ender Extender™ 5 Installation Guide
Page 34
Slicer Settings
It’s not really practical to document all possible slicers and how to print on a larger bed without updating firmware, so
we’re just going to go with Cura here and you should be able to adapt the concepts to any slicer.
We also can’t document all the possible boards, firmwares, firmware versions, etc. Lastly, we do not provide
precompiled firmware, and any firmware found in the Facebook group is contributed by individuals not associated with
EnderExtender.com. We provide no support or warranty for installing firmware, or the failure of your printer by
installing any firmware suggested, linked to, or provided by members of the Facebook Group Ender XL Builders Club.
Most versions of Marlin firmware (the firmware installed on all Creality printers) support a special Gcode command
called M211, which controls the firmware’s internal “software endstops” which prevent the machine from exceeding the
physical internal limits set by Creality. These limits are 235 (X), 235 (Y), and 250 (Z). This command accepts a parameter
(S1 or S0, which means turn the feature on or off). By turning the feature off, we can print beyond the pre-set limits.
This feature is not available in all brands of Marlin, specifically TH3D firmware, and some older versions of Marlin.
However, it is available on all modern versions of Marlin found on Ender 5 Pro.
Assuming you have already created a profile for your Ender 5 (Ender Extender) in Cura, you will access the
profile/machine settings from the menu in the upper left corner under the printer’s name:
Click the button labelled Manage Printers.