2. Hold the remote control and aim it at the display window of
the treadmill (as shown in FIG. 2) within 10 seconds after
unplug the treadmill security lock (as shown in FIG. 1).
Meanwhile, press the start/pause button on the remote control
for about 3 seconds, and the system will sounds "didi...",
indicating that the remote control and treadmill have been
successfully paired, and the remote control can be used to
control the treadmill normally.
When the riser is folded (the riser is parallel to the running
platform) it is in walking mode. In the walking mode, the speed
of the running belt is 0.6-
mph. Remove the left and right
handlebar and plug the square rubber stopper when using the
walking mode. It is in the running model when the riser is in the
expansion state. In the running mode, the speed of running belt
is 0.6-7.5mph.
How to use the treadmill
1.Power on, check and confirm if the machine work.
2.This machine is set with walking mode and running mode.
9. Operating Instructions
Start / Stop