Once you press Enter twice, the unit will begin processing your search.
Depending on the size of your library, this may take awhile.
After the unit is finished executing the search, it will display the results
that were found for each category: Titles, Artists, Genres, and Albums -
each of which can be accessed by using the Navigation Pad Arrow Keys
or the Jog Wheel. Note that the amount of results found under each
category will be displayed in parenthesis. In this example, there are 10
titles of songs with the word “LOVE” in them, and 1 artist.
Once you have chosen a category - Titles, Artists, Genres, or Albums, you
will browse through the selections as if you were in any of the other
search modes. Once again, you may select a track using the Jog Wheel
or Navigation Pad, and press Enter to load it.
Search Options (continued)
P r o c e s s i n g
< < < <
E x i t S e a r c h
> T i t l e s - ( 1 0 )
A r t i s t s - ( 1 ) >
G e n r e s - ( 0 )
> < p r e v i o u s >
G l o b a l L o v e
I G o t L o v e
L o v e a n d H a p p i n e s s
Fig 2.67 - Processing the Search
Fig 2.68 - Displaying result categories
Fig 2.69 - Selecting a matching title from the executed search
Using the HDC-1000