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boat to determine the extent of damage.
1.If your boat has a ship-to-shore radio, contact
(VHF Channel 16) the U.S. Coast Guard or other
rescue authorities immediately.
2.Prepare to assist the other craft unless your pas-
sengers and/or boat are in danger.
3.If the bow of the other boat penetrated your
boat's hull, prepare to block the opening once the
boats are separated.
4.Shore up the hole with a spare PDF or bunk
cushion from your boat.
5.While blocking the hole, trim weight of the boat
(where hole exist) so that it is out of the water
during repairs.
6.If the extent of damage places your boat in a pos-
sible sinking condition have all persons aboard
put on their PDF (personal flotation devices).
A fire on board your boat is a serious emergency; you
must work quickly to implement safety procedures. If
a fire occurs, immediately stop the engine.
1.Prompt all persons aboard to put on their PDF
(personal floatation devices).
2.If the fire is small, attempt to put it out with your
fire extinguisher, if fire is in the engine compart-
ment, turn off the engine. Do not open the
engine compartment. This feeds oxygen to the
fire and flashback could occur.
3.If the fire gets out of control, execute a distress
signal, and call for help if equipped with a ship-
to-shore radio.
4.All persons aboard should jump overboard and
swim a safe distance away from the flames.
All persons aboard should know the location and prop-
er operation of the fire extinguishers.
EPIRB or VHF Marine Radio Licensing Information
For information on getting a license for a VHF marine
radio or Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
(EPIRB), contact the U.S Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) at (800) 418-3676 for forms, or
(888) CALL-FCC for assistance.
A. Radio Procedures—Marine & Emergency
IF YOU ARE IN DISTRESS (i.e., when threatened by
grave and imminent danger) or are observing another
vessel in distress, transmit the International Distress
Call on Channel 16 "MAYDAY,MAYDAY,MAYDAY
THIS IS (state vessel's name and assigned call letters,
repeat 3 times)".
1.Who you are (your vessel's call letter and name).
2.Where you are (your vessel's position in lati-
tude/longitude or true bearing and distance in
nautical miles from a widely known
Geographical point: local names known only in
the immediate vicinity are confusing).
3.What is wrong.
4.Kind of assistance desired.
5.Number of persons aboard and the condition of
any injured.
6.Present seaworthiness of your vessel.
7.Description of your vessel-length, type, cabin,
mast, power, color of hull, superstructure, and
8.Your listening frequency and schedule.
1. Your position and, if possible, the bearing and
distance of the vessel in difficulty.
2. Nature of distress.
3. Description of the vessel in distress (see item 7
4. Your intentions, course, and speed, etc.
5. Your radio call sign, name of your vessel, listen-
ing frequency, and schedule.
NOTE: The International sign for an aircraft that wants
to direct a surface craft to a vessel in distress is:
Circling the surface craft, opening and closing the
throttle or changing propeller pitch (noticeable by
change in sound) while crossing ahead of the surface
craft, and proceeding in the direction of the vessel in
distress. If you receive such a signal, you should fol-
low the aircraft. If you cannot do so, try to inform the
aircraft by any available means. If your assistance is no
longer needed, the aircraft will cross your wake, open-
ing and closing the throttle or changing the propeller
pitch. If you are radio equipped, you should attempt to
communicate with the aircraft on Channel 16 when the
aircraft makes the above signals or makes any obvious
attempt to attract your attention. In the event you can-
not communicate by radio, be alert for a message block
dropped from the aircraft.
B. If you need Information or assistance from the
Coast Guard
(other than in a distress) call COAST