Stream type: Main stream, sub-stream,both of them are video stream, also can do customize setting for size,frame,rate,Frame interval, level. All these seting
are used for adjust video (or preview) image quality and storage file bit. Main stream are default choose, sub-stream can be choose, but not default choose.
Full frame rate is default output frame rate of camera,MAX.frame rate
Frame interval: also means Keyframe, 1 frame interval, will influence with image quality and stream.
Sub-stream’s option open, then”Real video”--”choose stream”---”sub-stream” can be choose
JPEG quality: Recommended value 20, the lower value, the better image quality
Auto snapshot
Auto capture can be close, also can tranmission to SD card,FTP, also can uploading to SD card & FTP to save. Trigger set time means at regular intervals
will capture a picture by DOME. FTP uploading,
: FTP server address.
FTP server port, default is 21
,user name:
FTP username,
uploading path:
FTP uploading path,default is Root directory
, FTP mode:
FTP server work mode, default is PASV.