Manual CC 5308
SET: Fills in a selected MD area. Fills in a selected MD area. The color of filling is
sequentially selected as brown, orange, blue, cyan, yellowish green, yellow and red.
- RETURN: Select this to save the MOTION DET menu settings and return to the SPECIAL menu.
Mask an area you want to hide on the screen.
1) When the SPECIAL menu screen is displayed, press the Up and Down buttons so that the arrow
indicates 'PRIVACY'.
2) Set up the mode using the 4 direction buttons.
- AREA SEL: You can select up to 12 PRIVACY areas.
- MODE: Determines whether to use the area selected in the AREA SEL.
- MASK COLOR: Determine area color. You can select Green, Red, Blue, Black, White, Gray.
- MASK TONE: Adjust the brightness of MASK COLOR.
- TOP/BOTTOM/LEFT/RIGHT: Adjust the size and position of the selected area.
- RETURN: Select this to save the PRIVACY menu settings and return to the SPECIAL menu.
Comm Adj:
This function sets up the camera communication status when controlling the camera
through an external control device.
1. When the SPECIAL menu screen is displayed, press the Up and
Down buttons so that the cursor points to 'COMM ADJ'.
2. Set up the mode using the 4 direction buttons.
- CAM ID: Determines the camera's identification number. (between 0 and 255).
- BAUD RATE: Select 2400/4800/9600/19200/38400/57600 bps.
- UART MODE: Select NONE, EVEN or ODD for the parity bits.
- RET PKT: Determines whether to send a command back to the controller device when a
communication control command is sent to the camera.
- DISP CAM ID: Display the camera title on the top left corner of the screen.
You can select the menu language according to your requirements.
Select this to save the SPECIAL menu settings and return to the Main Setup menu.
Select a desired EXIT mode using the Left and Right buttons depending on the camera purpose.
- SAVE: Save the current settings and exit the MAIN SETUP menu.
- NOT SAVE: Do not save the current settings and exit the MAIN SETUP menu.
- RESET: Resets the camera settings to the factory defaults. Language and Monitor settings are not