and information fields within the EDID file such as Manufacturer
Name, Monitor Name, etc.
PC Timing and SD/HD/UHD:
These tabs allow for the selection
of the resolutions and refresh rates that the EDID will report as
Audio1 and Audio2:
These tabs allow for the selection of which
audio formats, audio frequencies, channels and speaker
locations are supported.
Color Space:
This tab allows for the selection of which color
formats and bit depths are supported, including BT.2020 and
HDR support options.
This tab contains options for supporting 3D and defining
the CEC Address.
Once the user is finished editing or creating an EDID it can be saved
to a *.bin file locally or uploaded directly to the unit using the “Save”
and “Upload” icons respectively.
System Tab
Select the System tab to edit the unit’s description, to reset the unit to
factory defaults and to view the unit’s current hardware and firmware
version information.