C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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Analog 1 Function Options
1) Fuel Level S-W
– Fuel amount, in percentage, can be measured and displayed using a
standard Stewart Warner scale sender of 240 ohms
– 33 ohms. 240 = Empty and 33 = Full.
Sender ground must be common with battery negative.
2) Fuel Level VDO
– Fuel amount, in percentage can be measured and displayed using a VDO
scale sender of 10 ohms
– 180 ohms. 10 = Empty and 180 = Full. Sender ground must be
common with battery negative.
3) Oil Pressure PSI
– Oil pressure, in PSI, can be measured and displayed using a standard
Stewart Warner scale sender of 240 ohms
– 33 ohms. 240 = 0 PSI and 33 = 100 PSI.
Sender ground must be common with battery negative.
4) Oil Pressure bar
– Oil pressure, in bar, can be measured and displayed standard Stewart
Warner scale sender of 240 ohms
– 33 ohms. 240 = 0 bar and 33 = 7 bar. Sender ground
must be common with battery negative.
5) Oil Pressure VDO PSI
– Oil pressure, in PSI, can be measured and displayed using a
standard Stewart Warner scale sender of 10 ohms
– 180 ohms. 10 = 0 PSI and 180 = 150
PSI. Sender ground must be common with battery negative.
6) Oil Pressure bar
– Oil pressure, in bar, can be measured and displayed using a standard
Stewart Warner scale sender of 10 ohms
– 180 ohms. 240 = 0 bar and 33 = 10 bar.
Sender ground must be common with battery negative.
7) Switch
– This setting allows for a switch to be connected rather than an analog sender. Set
Analog 1 Message to assign a label to the switch device.
8) None
– Set to None when no functionality is required.
Digital Function Activation
1) Off / Always / Run
– Describes when the parameter will be monitored for alarm conditions.
Run refers to when the engine is running. Off disables the alarm conditions. Always enables
the alarm constantly regardless of engine state.
2) Alarm Delay
– The time period, after Sender Check Bypass, that the parameter must be on the
alarm condition before the alarm becomes latched.