C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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A battery recharge monitoring system is available to start and run the engine to keep the battery
system charged. The battery recharge settings are available in the Auto Start Configuration menu.
The highlighted selections are required.
Auto Start Configuration Menu
Auto Start Delay (Default = 10 seconds)
Pre Heat Time (Default = 0 seconds)
Crank Time (Default = 10 seconds)
Crank Rest Time ( Default = 10 seconds)
Warm Up Speed (Default = 800 rpm)
Warm Up Time (Default = 10 seconds)
Prime Speed (Default = 800 rpm)
Prime Time (Default = 0 seconds)
Cool Down Speed (Default = 650 rpm)
Cool Down Time (Default = 10 seconds)
Crank Cycles (Default = 5)
Fault Bypass Period (Default = 10 seconds)
Crank Hold Delay (Default = 0)
Recharge Monitor (Default = Off)
Recharge Voltage Selection
Recharge Delay Selection
Recharge Run Time Selection
Next Recharge Time Interval Selection