N Contr N Remote Supervisor (with or without
remote control)
Supervisory system
The supervisory system can be implemented using the following
MODBUS-RTU (master) devices:
Operator Panel: MT-NET-PONR: it is possible to connect up to 50
PC Supervisor: configuration tool “Configuratore NR9000” down
loadable from www.controlli.eu site; in this case it is possible to
connect up to 250 controllers. It is possible to use also Micronet
View or Touch Screen GTO series on demand getting in touch
with our technical dept.; in this case it is possible to connect up
to 48 controllers.
ModBus - RS485 Connection
The RS485 network is implemented with a 3-conductor cable, which
will be later identified as “+” (pin 23), “-” (pin 24) and “GND” (pin 25).
For wiring is suggested Belden®, model 8762.
For “disturbed” areas is suggested a Belden®, model 3106A using the
twisted pair to connect the “+” and “-“, the reference wire to con-
nect to “GND” and the shield to connect to ground.
Alternatively you can use a cable with the following electrical and
mechanical characteristics:
AWG 20/22;
characteristic impedance of 120Ω;
copper wire, “plait” type, twisted;
shielded braided and insulated;
The shield must be connected to controller GND (pin 25).
The network must be wired only in accordance with the principle
shown here, called “daisy chain” (the device is composed by a sin
gle RS485 port). Star connections are not allowed.
Connections warnings
The internally stored parameters used by the controller during op-
eration can be changed using NR9000-RT Remote Sensor or using
a Supervisory System (MODBUS protocol). Remote Sensor NR9000-RT
allows to change the operation mode, the set point and the fan
speed; all other parameters can be modified only through the su
pervisory system or the dedicated configuration tool. The controller
can operate also without the Remote Sensor using a dedicated an-
alogue input (Return Sensor).
The controller will consider the data acquired by the Sensor and by
the Supervisory system (if present) and will perform a P or PI or PID
regulation to drive the valves and the fan.
The controller can operate also without NR9000-RT and supervisory
system (Modbus). In this case the room temperature is measured by
the return sensor and thanks to the remote selector it is possible to set
the correction of the temperature. In this configuration, the control
parameters can be changed only through a dedicated configura
tion tool.
The controller can be controlled by an infrared remote control
(NR9000-TC). The remote control is equipped with a wide display and
supplied together with batteries and frame for wall mounting. It al-
lows to set the temperature in the range 10T30°C, the programming
of a daily switching on and switching off and the set of the operation
mode (ventilation only, heating only, cooling only and automatic).
In case both remote control and remote terminal are present togeth-
er, the controller will follow the settings received by the last device. In
case the last control is sent by the remote control, the information of
the remote terminal will be overwritten too.
System configuration
The system can be configured as shown in the following diagrams:
Cont Remote sensor (with or without remote control)
Controller (Stand Alone) with return sensor (with or without re-
mote control)
N Controllers ( with N-1 expansions) + 1 Remote Sensor
(N max I/O expansions = 6) (with or without remote control)
room 1
room 1
room 1
return sensor
link bus
Issue rev. c
Page 8