Direction 2 multi-swipe: This setting allows more than one access control request
to be processed at a time to allow a faster flow of traffic. The range is 1-3. As each access
control request is processed, each rotation subtracts from the total, allowing a constant
Anti-crawl through: This setting allows or disallows the anti-crawl through
function, which detects objects on the lower section of the lane while neither direction is
active. In facilities where users drag objects low to the ground behind them frequently
(such as gyms with rolling luggage), it may be beneficial to disable this setting. A value
of 0 is disabled and a value of 1 is enabled. A factory reset enables this feature.
Additionally, scrolling downward past DM0 will allow you access to
, which resets all
settings to factory defaults. Choose any value greater than 0 to perform the factory reset.
Security Begins With Controlled Access
1636 W. 130th Street, Brunswick, OH 44212
Toll Free Phone: (800) 942-0829 | Fax: (800) 942-0828 / Phone: (330) 273-6185 | Fax: (330) 273-4468