Digital I/O
2 pages show the status (ON
enabled and OFF disabled) of the
digital inputs (I1÷I6) and the digital
outputs (01÷06).
The indication (---) means input or
output absent (for optional I/O with
expansion module).
To see “warnings” are available 2 pages.
The first page shows the situation of internal battery.
If the voltage level of internal battery is lower of 2.3V on display will
appear “Battery Charge LOW”, otherwise “Battery Charge OK”.
This page will be displayed independently of the voice of menu
Setup | General | Warnings when the voltage level is lower of 2.3V.
Warning. If the charge of the internal battery is lower than 2.3V, the instrument will loose all data
stored (minimums and maximums, energy counters and data of setup) in the internal RAM or in the
memory expansion.
The second page shows the situation of insertion of instrument
regarding the connection of current transformer in the current input
and the phase sequence for the voltage input.
If at least one of current transformer is inverted, the display shows
“TA: WARNING” otherwise “TA: OK”.
If the sequence of phases at voltage inputs is inverted will appear
“Ph. Seq.: WARNING”, otherwise “Ph. Seq.: OK”.
The message “Ph. Seq.: No Info” appear during the elaboration to establish the phases sequence.
The information on phase appear only if the three phase system voltage is higher of 10V, otherwise
the display shows: “Low voltage, No Info”.
If the voice of menu Setup | General | Warnings is “Yes”, the warnings page of inversion of current
transformer and phases sequence will be display automatically alternatively at the default page each
time that happens an inversion.
General Info
4 pages to show the following information:
serial number and model
firmware version and
communication protocol
memory RAM available and the
option for the harmonics
calculation and time bands
hardware configuration: Digital
I/O, analog output and the
second serial port if it’s installed.
The indication (---) means option absent (for optional I/O with expansion module and the function of
calculation harmonics and time bands).
These information’s identify the instrument and its configuration before possible upgrade and for this
reason they are very important.