Please refer to the Shuttle device Control Panel, where all functions are notated under the
comments field. To configure Logic Audio for your Shuttle device:
1. Open Logic Audio.
2. Open Key Commands Window (Options>Settings>Key Commands).
3. Choose "Import Key Commands..." from the window's Options menu.
4. Select the Logic Preferences file that came with the Shuttle device and click "Open".
Media 100i (ShuttlePRO series only)
Q: I am using Media 100i with my ShuttlePRO device but I can't get the buttons or the shuttle
to do much of anything. What is wrong?
A: First you need to make sure you have the Control Strip Module unhidden and can see the
different "Modes". Next you should hit "Shift-Clear (Num-Lock)". This should enable the
number pad for movement.
Q: The Shuttle device buttons do not work or stopped working with Media 100.
A: You must turn on transport controls within Media 100 software to enable your ShuttlePRO
device to function correctly. First, you must have Media 100 launched and it must be the
front most window. Second, press "Shift+Num Lock/Clear" to toggle transport controls to
Q: How do I enable the play head to follow the location you are moving to while moving the
Shuttle ring?
A: In ProTools click on the setups pull down menu, and select Preferences. In the Preferences
dialog box please turn on or check the following, Timeline insertion follows playback, and
edit insertion follows Scrub/Shuttle.
Quick Keys
Q: How can I use the ShuttlePRO with Quick Keys?
A: You can set-up a Macro or sequence within QuickKeys and apply a keyboard shortcut for
that function. Then program that keyboard shortcut into the ShuttlePRO: the ShuttlePRO
will now work for the said Macro or QuickKey function. Make sure that when you do this,
that the QuickKey function you program, is targeted for the application it is used in, and
not for all applications.
(You can do the same for KeyQuencer as well.)
Contour Shuttle Multimedia Controllers