To stack your models, the following instructions should be followed:
1. Decide which model is to be on “top” and which model is to be on “bottom".
2. On “top” model, remove both bottom rear cover screws on “bottom” model,
remove both top joggle clip screws with bumpers.
3. Carefully install four legs on “top” model and set this model on the work top
of the “bottom” model. (adjust all leg bullets outward (ccw) about three full
turns prior to installing)
4. Install stacking collar as shown in figure 10, making sure all rear screw hole
slots line up on both top and bottom models where screws were removed
from in step #2. If screw hole slots do not line up (left to right) with screw
holes then the stacking collar has been mounted upside down. Remove and
re-install correctly.
5. Leg bullets can now be lowered (cw) by reaching in front access of stacking
collar so that top model is snug against the stacking collar. Once snug,
install the rear screws that were removed in step #2 and peel off the
adhesive tape backing strip around the side flanges of the stacking collar
so that both units are bonded together.
6. Align the front grill holes with the stacking collar holes and secure both