7. CONTEC Manager
Software Manual
Setting “Every Hour” Mode
Select “Every Hour” radio button in “Run Timing” group box.
Input the start minute in the “Minute” edit box.
Check the hours wanted to set in the hour list box. You can check multiple hours.
For example, if you check “8:”, “16:” and “0:”, and the minute is 30, then the program will be run at
every 8:30, 16:30 and 0:30 every day.
“Random Start from *:?? to *:59” function
If you check the “Random Start from *:?? to *:59” check box, the program will be start randomly
from ?? minute to 59 minute at designated hour. The “??” part in “Random Start from *:?? to *:59”
check box is the minute you input in the minute edit box. The random start function is provided for
reducing network overhead when many Windows CE devices do the same action at one time.