GPIB-FL2-USB Reference Manual
Setting Switches
With the two setting switches, the host computer distinguishes and keeps track of the devices of
same model by assigning Module IDs to them. Factory setting “00” can be used when only one device
per model is connected to one computer. Each device should be assigned a unique Module ID in the
range of 00 - 7Fh when several devices with the same model are being connected.
“x16” and “x1” represent high bits and low bits of Module ID respectively.
Module ID
00 - 7Fh
It is a setting range for module IDs.
This is used only when upgrading the firmware.
When setting with Module ID(x1) = F, Module ID(x16) = F, Module ID is only used for upgrading
the firmware. This setting cannot be used to distinguish or keep tracks of the devices.
How to open the cover
Use a flathead screwdriver or similar to open the cover on the underside of the product.
This exposes the setting switches to set the Module ID. As shown in Figure below, an easy way to
open the cover is to insert the tip of the screwdriver into the slot and then rotate the screwdriver.