background image

Intended use

The product is intended to be used to activate a garden watering system at set, adjustable, intervals. The 
length of the activation time can also be set in several stages. 
It is powered by a 9V block battery.
Always observe the safety instructions and all other information included in these operating instructions.
This product complies with the applicable national and European requirements. All names of companies and 
products are the trademarks of the respective owner. All rights reserved.


• Watering timer
• Operating Instructions

Safety Instructions

   The warranty will be void in the event of damage caused by failure to observe these safety 

instructions! We do not assume any liability for any consequential damage!


 Nor do we assume any liability for material and personal damage caused by improper use 
or non-compliance with the safety instructions! In such cases, the warranty will be null 
and void.


•   The unauthorised conversion and/or modi


 cation of the product is not permitted for safety and 

approval reasons (CE). Never dismantle it (except to replace the battery, when appropriate).


•  The product is not a toy and should be kept out of the reach of children.


•   Only use clean, clear water up to a maximum temperature of 40 °C for watering.


•   Protect the product from frost (e.g. in winter). Remove it in good time before the onset of 

winter, e.g. from a garden tap. Clean the product carefully and store it in a dry location. 


•   Do not leave packaging material carelessly lying around, since it could become a dangerous 

plaything for children.


•   Handle the product with care, it can be damaged by impacts, blows, or accidental drops, even 

from a low height.

Battery Notes

•  Batteries should be kept out of the reach of children.
•   Do not leave batteries lying around in the open; there is a risk of them being swallowed by children or 

domestic animals. If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.

•   Leaking or damaged batteries can lead to caustic burning of the skin. Therefore, use suitable protective 


•   Batteries/rechargeable batteries must not be short-circuited, opened or thrown into a 


 re. There is a risk of 


•  Do not recharge normal, non-rechargeable batteries; there is a risk of explosion! 

   We recommend using a 9V block battery (alkaline type), to ensure long and safe operation. You 

should not use a rechargeable battery to power the watering timer.

Inserting/Replacing the Batteries

   If the watering timer is already mounted on a tap, remove it from the tap 


 rst. Dry the water-

ing timer carefully; otherwise, water could penetrate into the battery compartment, which could 
permanently damage the timer, loss of warranty!


 The battery needs changing if the LED remains lit after the watering process is started with the 
“ENTER” button and the subsequent activation of the valve.

•   First, remove the two screws from the battery compartment cover on the back, using a suitable screw-

driver. Remove the battery compartment cover; note the correct orientation.

•   Connect a 9V block battery to the connection plug. Insert the battery in the battery compartment.
•   Replace the battery compartment cover in the correct orientation (the rounded side towards the frame), 

taking care not to pinch the battery cable.

•  Secure the battery compartment cover with the 2 screws removed at the beginning.

Connection to a tap

•   If a quick-release coupling is attached to your garden tap, remove it.
•   Check the correct positioning of the sealing ring in the swivel nut. Then, hold the watering timer 


 rmly, while 

you connect the swivel nut to the garden tap.

   Tighten the swivel nut by hand; do not use any tools! Otherwise, the swivel nut may be 

damaged; loss of warranty!

•   Connect your garden hose to the lower screw thread; we recommend using a conventional quick-release 



a) Automatic watering

•   Select the desired watering time with the upper rotary switch (“RUN TIME”). The time can be set to 2, 5, 

10, 15, 30, 60, 120 or 240 minutes.

   With the “OFF” setting, the watering function is deactivated and the watering timer is turned off 

(for example, during rainy/cool weather).

•   Select the desired interval, with the lower rotary switch (“INTERVAL”). The following settings are possible:


 “12hrs”  12 


 “24hrs”  24 


 “48hrs”  48 


  “3rd day”  3 days
  “4th day”  4 days
  “5th day”  5 days
  “7th day”  7 days
•   Start the watering timer, by brie


 y pressing the “ENTER” button. The LED 


 ashes brie


 y several times, and 

then the 


 rst watering process begins for the selected watering period.

   If the red LED remains lit after the start, the battery is 


 at and must be replaced by a new one 


•   If the duration and the interval need to be changed at a later date, set both rotary switches to the desired 

position and press the “ENTER” button within 10 seconds.

•   To end watering early, turn the upper rotary switch to the “OFF” position. This deactivates the watering 

timer and the integrated valve is closed.

b) Manual Watering

If desired, an additional watering can be started manually outside the automated watering times. 
•   Select the desired watering time, with the upper rotary switch. The time can be set to 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 

120 or 240 minutes.

•  Set the lower rotary switch to the “MANUAL START” position. 
•   Start the watering timer, by brie


 y pressing the “ENTER” button. The LED 


 ashes brie


 y once, and then 

the watering process starts for the set watering time.

   If the red LED remains lit after the start, the battery is 


 at and must be replaced by a new one 


   After the manually started watering 


 nishes, the automatic watering is active again, even if the lower rotary 

switch is still set to “MANUAL START.”

•   To end watering early, turn the upper rotary switch to the “OFF” position. This deactivates the watering 

timer and the integrated valve is closed. However, if you do this, the automatic watering process is termi-


Only clean the product with a soft, clean cloth. Never submerge the watering timer in or under water to clean 
it; as this will damage it.


a) Product

   Dispose of the unserviceable product according to the relevant statutory regulations!


Remove the inserted battery and dispose it of separately from the product.

b) Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries

As end user, you are legally obliged (Battery Regulation) to return used batteries and rechargeable batteries. 
Do not dispose of used batteries in the household waste!

   Contaminated batteries/rechargeable batteries are labelled with these symbols to indicate that 

disposal in the domestic waste is forbidden. The symbols for the relevant heavy metals are: 
Cd=Cadmium, Hg=Mercury, Pb=Lead (marked on batteries/rechargeable batteries, e.g. under 
the rubbish bin symbol shown to the left).

You can dispose of your used batteries/rechargeable batteries free of charge at your community’s collection 
point or any place where batteries/rechargeable batteries are sold!
You thereby ful


 l your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the environment.

Technical Data

Power supply ...............................9 V block battery
Battery life ....................................Depending on the switching frequency, approx. 1/2 year
Connection thread .......................19 mm (3/4“)
Dimensions ..................................115 x 153 x 66 mm (W x H x D)
Weight .........................................297 g


   O P E R A T I N G   I N S T R U C T I O N S

Watering timer

 Item no. 55 24 43

 Version  09/12


   These operating instructions are a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1,  

D-92240 Hirschau ( 


 All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, micro



or the capture in electronic data processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor. 
Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited. 


 These operating instructions represent the technical status at the time of printing. Changes in         
technology and equipment reserved. 


© Copyright 2012 by Conrad Electronic SE.
