Connection example:
If the switch of the channel CHANNEL 3 "PHONO1/LINE1” is in the position
PHONO1, it means that the signal of the record-player at the jacks PHONO1 is
directed to the channel CHANNEL3. The LINE1 input is not reproduced in this switch
position. For reproduction of the LINE 1 input, the input selection switch
"PHONO1/LINE1" has to be switched to the position LINE1.
Before an input selection switch is changed over, minimise the
volume using the corresponding channel fader. The GAIN control
may have to be turned back. Due to the different volumes of the
input sources, sudden, excessive volume could otherwise be the
(19) Attachment holes
For desk mounting, you can attach the mixer to these 4 attachment holes.
(20) DJ MICRO1 input
The DJ microphone can be connected to this 6.3-mm jack bushing. The input is suit-
able for unsymmetrical microphones.
(21) DJ-MIC TONE control
Using this control, you can set the sound of the DJ microphone.
(22) DJ-MIC LEVEL control
Using this control, you can set the volume of the DJ microphone.
(23) Talkover switch
Using this three-stage switch, the microphone connected to the DJ MICRO1 input
(20) can be controlled.
Switch positions
the DJ microphone is transferred at the volume set by the DJ.MIC
LEVEL control (22) to the master output.
The other channels are not influenced in their
The DJ microphone is switched off
The DJ microphone is transferred at the volume set by the DJ.MIC
LEVEL control (22) to the master
output. If you speak into the DJ microphone in this
position, the other channels are reduced by 12dB in their
volume. If you no longer speak into it,
the channels are raised again to the previous volume.