Azden IRR-40P ‒ User & Installation Guide B460IRR40P V1.0
Azden IRR-40P Soundfield
Ask your colleague to walk around the room listening to
make sure that your voice is clear all around the room.
Job done! Don't be tempted to increase the volume much
further as teachers tend to raise their voices in an active
classroom situation!
Once the installation has been carried out, please do not
underestimate the importance of ensuring that the teacher
has the opportunity to experience listening to another
person using the system. There are two reasons for this: firstly so that they become
impressed at the natural sound and secondly it is hard for anyone to listen objectively
to their own voice. It is also an excellent opportunity to ‘play’ at using the system with a
colleague, allowing the teacher to gain confidence with their own ‘performance’.
If the system has been supplied with a handheld microphone you must now go
through the same procedure with this microphone using the ‘Channel 2’ volume