This user’s guide provides information about the components, features, connectors and BIOS Setup menus available on the conga-TS370. It is
one of three documents that should be referred to when designing a COM Express™ application. The other reference documents that should
be used include the following:
COM Express
Design Guide
COM Express
The links to these documents can be found on the congatec GmbH website at www.congatec.com
Software Licenses
Notice Regarding Open Source Software
The congatec products contain Open Source software that has been released by programmers under specific licensing requirements such as
the “General Public License“ (GPL) Version 2 or 3, the “Lesser General Public License“ (LGPL), the “ApacheLicense“ or similar licenses.
You can find the specific details at https://www.congatec.com/en/licenses/. Search for the revision of the BIOS/UEFI or Board Controller
Software (as shown in the POST screen or BIOS setup) to get the complete product related license information. To the extent that any
accompanying material such as instruction manuals, handbooks etc. contain copyright notices, conditions of use or licensing requirements that
contradict any applicable Open Source license, these conditions are inapplicable.
The use and distribution of any Open Source software contained in the product is exclusively governed by the respective Open Source
license. The Open Source software is provided by its programmers without ANY WARRANTY, whether implied or expressed, of any fitness for
a particular purpose, and the programmers DECLINE ALL LIABILITY for damages, direct or indirect, that result from the use of this software.
BIOS/UEFI modified by customer via the congatec System Utility (CGUTL) is subject to the same license as the BIOS/UEFI it is based on. You
can find the specific details at https://www.congatec.com/en/licenses/.