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Envirosun AS Installation Manual Rev1a PVNW.docx
Page 3
The electric element within the storage tank is used for the electric AES. This element is
automatically controlled by an internal thermostat which only allows the electric element
to operate if the water temperature in the storage tank falls below 60 °C. Even then, it will
only consume electricity until the water temperature is increased to 60 °C. At this stage it
turns off automatically.
Figure 1.3.1 Electric AES Schematic
For gas AES systems, the electric element in the storage tank is not connected to an
electricity supply. Instead, a continuous flow gas water heater is fitted adjacent the
storage tank, in series with the hot water supply from the storage tank and the household
hot water pipe work. As the hot water from the solar storage tank passes through the gas
heater its temperature is automatically monitored. If the temperature is below 70 °C, the
gas heater will add the heat required to deliver hot water of at least 70 °C. If the water
temperature is above 70 °C, the gas heater will not ignite.
Figure 1.3.2: Gas AES Schematic