Main Structure
U pp. Ja m S ens. Y
P arall Interface
S erial Interface
Fu nctions
B ack to M F G ? N O
P rint ou t? N O
P rint ou t? Y E S
Low. Jam S ens. Y
U pp. Ja m S ens. N
B ack to M F G ? Y E S
P arallel Interface S ettings
S erial Interface S ettin gs
Fu nctions B lo ck
Low. Jam S ens. N
The functions concerning the interfaces group the parameters for the configuration of the
The setup item
groups the following printer functions:
Paper overlay (9078 plus model only),
Paper loading sequence,
Buzzer setting,
Quick cut sheet loading (9078 plus model only),
Ribbon type,
Code bar density,
Text printing direction,
Graphics printing direction,
Bar code printing direction,
Paper path at power on,
Language of the display messages.