tank to the header as short as possible. If you chose to fit the tank at the forward end of
the tray ensure large bore tubing is used to keep the pump load low.
If your intention is to fit a scale cockpit, thought should be given to keeping the
equipment mounted low within the cockpit area. The Hawk features staggered pilot
seating with the rear pilot mounted higher than the front, this allows you a little more
height close to the inlet area of the cockpit.
The photos included in this section give you several ideas on the equipment layout, but
the many different turbines available will require specific requirements.
A semi scale cockpit is available from C-ARF , this can be ordered through the
CARF-models site. Several manufacturers offer full scale cockpit sets that could be fitted
should you wish to “scale” the Hawk up.
If you intend fitting a cockpit now or possibly in the future it is a good idea to fit the air
tanks serving both the undercarriage and brake system above the main fuel tank as
there is ample space.
The plates either side of the undercarriage nose formers make perfect platforms for
mounting the receiver system twin battery packs.
Even with 2.4 GHz systems it is good practise to keep a reasonable separation between
ECU, fuel pump and valves. Avoid crossing the receiver aerials with power cables.
When you plumb the fuel system, keep all tubing as short as possible. Ensure the tube
ends are cut square, especially when used with any quick connect device. When using
larger tube like Tygone, cutting a short (5mm) length and sliding this over the tube end
by stretching with pliers will improve the seal by adding additional grab.
Fit the fuel system overflow outlet in the fuselage just in front of the wing break former,
positioning to one side will lessen the chance of damage in the event of a touch down
without landing gear.
Additional Fences and covers
Your Hawk kit includes various parts cut from a colour coded glass sheet. The wing
fences are an important feature on the Hawk. The glassfibre fences are fitted to the
wing leading edge just outboard of the aileron/flap break line. If you project a line
forward from the aileron inner edge there is a rectangular panel approximately 12mm
wide and 60mm long marked 45mm back from the leading edge. The wing fence is
mounted centrally on this panel using thick CA or epoxy.
Another feature of the Hawk are the fuselage fins mounted either side of where the
airbrake would be positioned. Two parallel lines are marked on the fuselage making
installation easy. The fins are given additional support by cutting two slots to accept the
location lugs. The fins should be firmly fixed using epoxy. The fins should be fixed with
an angle of approx 115 degrees on the inside edge.
To hide the openings in the tailplane cover sides around the elevator joiner, two shaped
cover plates that attach to the cross brace are provided. Ensure these plates cannot