The wing fixing system has been completed for you in
the factory. Two carbon pegs locate into the fuselage
front wing former, and two M4 x 60 high-tensile steel
socket head caps screw into the pre fitted wing fixing
nuts that are bonded into the wing fixing loop formers.
The aileron and flap surfaces are cut free and hinged
ready for installation of the servos and linkages.
Wooden mounting rails are factory installed to accept
the Composite ARF Hawk gear which was specifically
developed for the Hawk. The design allows either
Scale or Sports sets to be installed with minimal
adjustment. The landing gear openings are factory
cut, but may require a small amount of trimming to
clear the struts or wheels. Pre cut gear door covers
are pre painted to match your chosen colour scheme.
The aileron servos are screwed into CNC milled
plywood servo mounts that must be bonded to the
servo covers. The Flap servo mounts are factory
installed as part of the wing structure. All commonly
used servos will fit the openings in either mount. If you
use the recommended JR servos two 650mm long
leads are needed for the aileron servos and two
180mm leads for the flap servos.
Assemble the ailerons servo mounts from the milled
plywood parts provided. Ensure you bond the frame
onto the cover plate making a left and right plate.
We strongly recommend JR 8411/8711 servos for the
ailerons. Before fitting the servo frame prepare the
servo and fit with a JR super servo arm to allow
accurate positioning of the servo arm in the pre cut
slot. Use your radio or a known servo tester to centre
the servo arms before installation. JR servo arms can
be rotated 180 degrees to gain better centring with
minimal sub trim use.
Before bonding the mounts onto the cover plate sand
the gluing area to provide a good key. Tack glue the
frame in place with CA and test fit the servo to ensure
correct positioning. Once satisfied, reinforce the joint
with 30 minute epoxy or Hysol.
The servo should be mounted with 2.9 x 13mm sheet
metal screws provided (not with the servo
manufacturer supplied items) Some servos require a
small amount of the frame support gusset trimming to
Fig 29
Fig 27
Fig 28
Fig 26