Operating the UltraSCSI Enclosure
2–8 UltraSCSI RAID Enclosure
Shutting Down the Subsystem
Shutting down the subsystem involves:
Clearing the cache module
Shutting down the controller
Either turning O
the dc power for the subsystem (entering the
standby power mode) or going one step further and turning O
the ac input boxes (full power shutdown)
Failure to clear the cache module and shut down the array
controller before removing power will disrupt data
transfers. Therefore, always shut down the array controller
as described in the array controller documentation.
Some array controllers bypass the standby power mode
functionality from the PVA standby power switch. Refer to
the array controller documentation for availability of this
Standby Power Mode
Placing the subsystem in the standby power mode disconnects the dc
power from the backplane. However, ac input power is still applied to
the shelf power supplies. In this mode, the EMU alarm control switch
now functions as the standby power switch. To restore the dc power to
the backplane, press the alarm control switch on each enclosure
Full Power Shutdown
Powering down an enclosure always involves shutting down the array
controller and then pressing the PVA standby power switch on each
expansion enclosure. If there are no expansion enclosures, shut down
the array controller and then press the PVA standby power switch on
the master enclosure.
Turning the subsystem off involves shutting down the array controller,
turning O
the dc power, and then turning O
the ac input boxes in
each enclosure.