UltraSCSI RAID Enclosure 4–1
Power Verification and
An enclosure’s PVA assembly (see Figure 4–1) and associated EMU
monitors the status of major UltraSCSI enclosure components to
verify their proper operation. If an error or fault condition occurs,
these modules notify the user, and in some instances, the array
controller, that a problem exists. The array controller can identify and
display information about some problems. The PVA and EMU status
LEDs indicate possible root causes of problems.
Figure 4–1
Proper operation of an UltraSCSI RAID subsystem requires
an operational EMU (model DS–BA35X–EB) and PVA
(model DS–BA35X–EC) in each enclosure. Also, EMU
communications bus links must be established between all
EMUs for proper subsystem operation and error reporting.