PowerStorm 300 Graphics Options Windows NT and Hardware Installation 4–1
4.1 Introduction
This chapter provides information about post-installation tasks and use of the OpenGL
display driver.
4.2 After Installation
After you have installed the PowerStorm 300 driver, you may need to change the screen
resolution and refresh rate, manage buffer swap, or identify the display driver version for
troubleshooting purposes. The following sections describe how to perform these tasks.
4.2.1 Changing the Screen Resolution and Refresh Rate
The screen resolution and refresh rate are collectively referred to as the display mode.
Before changing the display mode, verify that your monitor can handle the new values (see
your monitor documentation). Then perform the following steps:
1. From the desktop, choose My Computer.
2. From My Computer, choose Control Panel.
3. From Control Panel, choose Display.
4. From the Display Properties dialog box, choose the Settings tab.
5. From the Settings dialog box, click on the arrows in the Desktop Area to change the
screen resolution.
To change the refresh rate, choose one of the options in Refresh Frequency. (You can
also change the resolution and refresh rate by choosing List All Modes and the desired
mode, and then choosing OK.) If the refresh rate selected is not supported by the
resolution you chose, the resolution will automatically change to the nearest value
supported by that refresh rate, or the refresh rate will change to support the resolution.