• Inspect the appliance regularly for signs of wear, leaks
or incorrect operation. If symptoms such as flaring of
the burner, issues with lighting, damages to hoses
or connections or leaks from seals or gas controls
are identified do not attempt to repair, return to your
authorised stockist for service and maintenance.
• To check if gas remains in the cylinder, disconnect from
the appliance and hold the cylinder in a vertical position
then shake from side to side, if there is a sound or feel
of liquid movement inside, the cylinder contains gas.
• When changing gas cylinders ensure this is conducted
outside in a well ventilated location free from people,
animals and ignition sources such as naked flames,
pilot lights and electrical equipment with heaters or
This appliance must only be used in an above
ground open air situation with natural ventilation,
without stagnant areas, where gas leakage is rapidly
dispersed by wind and natural convection.
Any enclosure in which the appliance is used
should comply with one of the following:
(A) An enclosure with walls on all sides,
but with no overhead cover.
(B) Within a partial enclosure that includes an
overhead cover and no more than two walls.
(C) Within a partial enclosure that includes an overhead
cover and more than two walls, the following must apply:
(1) At least 25% of the total wall
area is completely open.
(2) 30% or more in total of the remaining wall side,
back and front wall areas is open and unrestricted.
(3) In the case of balconies, 20% or more of the total
wall area must remain open and unrestricted.
The following figures are diagrammatic
representations of outdoor areas. Rectangular
areas have been used in these figures - the same
principles apply to any other shaped areas.