INS_NW7[E]/M_REV– 06/10/13 PAGE 38
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
Protocol – L2TP
The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol used to support virtual private
networks (VPNs) or as part of the delivery of services by ISPs. It does not provide any encryption
or confidentiality by itself. Rather, it relies on an encryption protocol that it passes within the
tunnel to provide privacy. The options PAP/CHAP username and PAP/CHAP password have
been explained earlier.
L2TP Server
Specifies the IP address of the remote L2TP server.
Upon clicking the “Configure...” button, the L2TP Common Configuration page
would be displayed. The protocol DHCP client or Static address can be selected. The
corresponding options are explained within this section "Common Configuration"
Advanced Settings
The following are options in the Advanced Settings section tab. Some of these options are
shown, depending on the protocol being used.
Override MAC
Allows you to specify a different MAC address other than the router's original
MAC address. This is useful if the ISP uses the MAC address of a router to identify
a customer. Suppose that the router needs to be replaced. The new router can
take on the MAC address of the previous router in order to continue having
internet access.
Override MTU
Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU), the default being 1500 bytes. Unless,
your ISP requires, it is not recommended to change this setting.
Use gateway metric Allows you to specify a gateway metric. This acts as a cost for choosing the
gateway when a connected device has to select between multiple available
gateways. The gateway with the smallest metric is chosen.
Use broadcast flag
When sending DHCP requests, a client can indicate if it wants an answer in unicast
or broadcast, by setting the broadcast flag. This is required for certain ISPs.
Unchecked by default.
Use default gateway Configures a default route. Checked by default.
Use DNS servers
advertised by peer
Uses the DNS settings advertised by the DHCP server. Checked by default.
Client ID to send
when requesting
Sets the identifier that may be required by the ISP or network administrator. If not
stated, the MAC address of the client will be sent.
Vendor Class to send
when requesting
Identifies the vendor of a DHCP client for the enhancement of vendor-specific
DHCP functionality. The following three options are specific to the PPTP and
PPPoE protocols:
Physical Settings Interface – Chooses which physical interface to use for the WAN
zone. This can be the Ethernet Adapter “eth0” or “eth1” that corresponds to each of
the two ports on the device for example. It could also be set as the Wireless Network.
If there is a physical interface selected for the WAN zone, this can be referred to
as the “NAT mode”, because network address translation occurs between the WAN
zone and the LAN zone. If No Interface is selected for the WAN zone, all interfaces
would be within the LAN zone. This may also be referred to as the “Bridge Mode”.