3.0 Web Management
CommFront User Manual
Table 4: *** Byte 7
Bit 7 & 6
Bit 5 & 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1 & 0
Parity (ON/OFF)
Stop Bit
Data Bit
01: EVEN
10: Mark
11: Space
00: OFF
01: ON
00: 1 Stop Bit
02: 2 Stop Bit
00: 5 Data Bit
01: 6 Data Bit
10: 7 Data Bit
11: 8 Data Bit
Example: Byte 7 for the settings of 8 Data Bits, None (Parity), and 1 Stop Bit = 03
RFC2217 Command Examples:
The TCP/IP command for changing COM port settings to 9600, 8, N, 1 is:
55 AA 55 00 25 80 03 A8
The TCP/IP command for changing COM port settings to 19200, 8, N, 1 is:
55 AA 55 00 4B 00 03 4E
The TCP/IP command for changing COM port settings to 115200, 8, N, 1 is:
55 AA 55 01 C2 00 03 C6
Sending RFC2217 commands from CommFront’s Serial-TCP software:
Set the device as TCP server.
Launch CommFront’s Serial-TCP free software and type in the Device Server’s
IP address and Port number. Then choose “TCP Client” mode and click the
“Activate” button.
After the connection is established, choose “TCP/IP” under Packet Sender and
choose “Hex” for Data Format. Then key in and send the RFC2217’s command
(e.g. 55 AA 55 00 25 80 03 A8).
The COM port settings of the device server will then be changed to:
9600, 8, N, 1.
Note: The RFC2217 command is a device server’s command, so it will not be
forwarded to serial port.