3.0 Web Management
CommFront User Manual
3.4.3 Reset
When the “Reset” function is enabled, the DVS-232-2 will automatically restart after
30 unsuccessful connection attempts. This performs the same function as AT
command “AT+CLIENTRST”.
3.4.4 Link
When the “Link” function is enabled, the “Link” pin will output a low-level voltage
whenever there is a TCP connection. Otherwise, it will output a high-level voltage.
This performs the same function as AT command “AT+SCSLINK”.
Note: “Link” pin is on the circuit board and can only be used with PCBA.
3.4.5 Index
Under TCP server mode, a maximum of 8 TCP clients are allowed to be connected to
the server. However, it is difficult to know the data source when there is data coming
from the clients, and it is also difficult to know the current client connection status in
real time. “Index” is a useful feature for TCP server. It does not just help to identify
the data source but also reports the client connection status to the connected serial
When the “Index” function is turned on:
Two additional bytes (ASCII code “I” “m”: “I” stands for Incoming and “m” is
the index number) are added to the beginning of the incoming packet from
TCP clients. The TCP server will now be able to identify where the packet comes
When the TCP client is disconnected, it sends three bytes (ASCII code “D” “m”
“n”: “D” stands for Disconnect, “m” means the disconnected client’s index
number, and “n” means the remaining number of client connections) to the
server’s COM port.
When a TCP client is connected, it sends three bytes (ASCII code “C” “m” “n”:
“C” stands for Connect, “m” means the connected index number, and “n”
means total number of connections) to the server’s COM port.
Client index 1 sends in data, and it adds ASCII code “I1” (Hex code “49 31”)
to the beginning of the packet.
Client index 3 connected, and COM port received “C32” (Hex code “43 33 33”).
Client index 3 disconnected, and COM port received “D32” (Hex code “44 33