When user sets ‘ auto’ in set up configuration, video can be automatically saved. It is only
activated during call / talk.
If user doesn’ t receive call, time of recording video is 30 sec. If user receives call, time of
recording video is 60 sec. Video is automatically recorded and saved in auto status.
Video clip can be saved max. 1minute 30 seconds after calling.
If call is canceled or terminated during recording video, video is recorded until time of stop
If user press and holds ‘ monitor button’ over 1sec, still cut image (captured image) can be
saved. However, video clip still be continuously recorded.
*** Video (MANUAL) ***
Press and hold call/talk button over 1 sec. user can save and record video.
If user press and holds ‘ monitor button’ over 1sec, video clip can be recorded. However, still
cut image (captured image) still be continuously saved.
However, CCTV can only support manual record (without auto record). Therefore, user press and
holds ‘ monitor button’ over 1sec, video clip can be recorded for 60 sec.
Please make sure, there is a limitation of memory size. Therefore, CCTV try to keep monitoring for
security reason but recording time has 60 sec. limitation.
After 60 sec. of recording, user can activate recording again by pressing ‘ monitor button’ manually.