Switched ON logger permanently (with 10 s interval) updates memory of
minimum and maximum values of each measured quantity. If displaying of
MIN/MAX values is selected, minimum measured values are displayed step
by step (indicated by symbol MIN) and then similarly maximum measured
values of all quantities (indicated by symbol MAX). The entire cycle is
repeated periodically, i.e. reading of actual measured values follows.
If display is switched OFF,
all above readings are displayed up to estimated
remaining battery capacity and then display goes out. If logger is switched
ON symbol LOG is displayed (it blinks if memory occupation is higher than
If display is OFF and logger is in mode when record runs only when alarm is
active, the LOG symbol is replaced by adjacent symbol "–" (hyphen). It
appears in case, all measured values are inside of adjusted alarm limits and
data logging therefore does not run. Displayed symbol indicates logger is ON.
If information on actual measured values is needed, it is possible anytime to display reading
display by means of the magnet (only if communication adapter is not connected permanently). Plug
magnet into guide slots from logger front side for approximately 4 s and wait till reading on the
display appears. If logger has enabled the function switch OFF by magnet or the function reset
memory of MIN/MAX values by magnet, do not remove magnet from guide slots before decimal
point symbol goes out – logger would be switched OFF (memory of the MIN/MAX values would be
erased)! Display reading initialized by magnet goes out automatically after 30 s. Remove magnet
from slots anytime during actual reading is ON or later.
Temporary displaying of actual reading by magnet