II. Description / Specification
The CLF5000/PLL RF amplifier operates at a center frequency of 400 kHz. The power source produces maximum
transfer of power into a 50 ohm resistive load and is designed to withstand large deviations in load impedance
without failure.
A. Electrical Specifications
1. Output Frequency
1.1 Center Frequency: 400 KHz
1.2 Frequency Range: +/- 50 KHz
1.3 Frequency Stability: Frequency deviation due to PLL loop dithering less than 50 Hz
1.4 Frequency Tuning Mechanism: VCO driven by phase detector at RF output
2. Output Power
2.1 Rated Output Power: 5000 Watts into 50 ohm load over frequency range
2.2 Output Impedance: 50 ohms
2.3 RF Power Margin: 6000 Watts min., open loop
2.4 Mismatch Power: 1000 watts Minimum Forward Power into any load
2.5 Spurious Output: all spurious output to be more than 30 dB below fundamental
2.6 Noise, Hum and Ripple: Less than 1% at any power level
2.7 Harmonic Output: Less than 20 dB below fundamental
2.8 AC to RF Efficiency: Better than 70%
3. Control
3.1 Control Range: 0 -10 V range for 0-5000W RF output
3.2 Power leveling Control on Delivered power to be measured by direct four-quadrant
multiplication of RF output voltage and current.
3.3 Command to actual output power repeatability for same generator: < .5%
3.4 Generator-to-generator command to actual output variation: +/- 3% of reading
3.5 RF Output turn - on time: Approx. 1-2 second ramp time from RF Enable signal to rated
output power.
3.6 Power response to set point change time: Approx. 10ms
3.7 Warm-up delay Time: Less than 100ms