InteliVision 5 - Global Guide
4 Quick Help
This chapter provides information how to connect InteliVision 5 and quickly find important data. To be more
familiar with InteliVision 5 menu, see Operator Interface chapter.
4.1 How to Connect InteliVision 5 to IGS-NT
With version 1.1.1 or higher InteliVision 5 can be connected to the controller via RS-485 or RS-232 line. A user
can choose between NT-Terminal connection and direct connection.
If the connection has not been set up yet, after start up InteliVision 5 will shows “Communication window” with
two parameters:
ConnectionType – indicates last connection type which was selected, press “Enter” button to go to menu for
selection between options:
Terminal Adr./ Controller Adr.
If NT-Terminal as a connection type is selected then second parameter is:
Terminal Adr
– indicates which terminal addresses are available (green text) and which are occupied (red text).
It is possible to connect up to 2 terminals to IG-NT-(BB) and up to 3 terminals to IS-NT-(BB) controllers.
When terminal address has to be changed:
Press Menu button and choose Help/Others menu
Use ↑ or ↓ for Communication item and press Enter
Use ↑ or ↓ to get Terminal Adr (in the case ConnectionType = NT-Terminal) and press Enter (in the case
ConnectionType = Direct, firstly ConnectionType = NT-Terminal has to be set)
Use ↑ or ↓ and choose appropriate Terminal Adr and press Enter, see picture below:
InteliVision 5 will reboot and the new terminal address will be used. Loss of communication is presented with
the first screen, with SW version, HW version and release date.
is displayed
with terminal address dialogue.