Capricorn FLX Weather Station
Columbia Weather Systems, Inc.
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge Options
Heated Option
The Tipping Bucket can also be configured with a heater to melt ice and
snow build- up on the top of the sensor.
The sensor has two heaters, one is attached to the underside of the
inner collector funnel and one is attached to the inside lower portion of
the sensor housing. These two heaters are connected in series with a
thermostat that is positioned near the tipping assembly. When the
outside temperature drops to approximately 45°F, the thermostat will
start to cycle.
The heater requires an AC power supply separate from the rest of the
Power requirement:
Voltage: 120VAC
Total amperage: 1.65 Amps max
Collector Heater: 65 Watts
Housing Heater: 116 Watts
– 20mA Interface Option
The optional tipping bucket rain gauge can also be configured to provide
– 20mA interface to a PLC system.
The 4-20mA readings reset once per minute.
4-20mA Scaling:
4mA = 0 inches of rain
20mA = 0.32 inches of rain
Signal Wiring:
Red: 10
– 33VDC
Black: Common
White: Signal